Wednesday, February 1, 2012

When is the best time to prune a magnolia tree?

Prune your magnolia tree after it has bloomed, in the early summer. Be careful when pruning. Magnolias may not always respond well to pruning because the wounds created by pruning do not heal easily. You must remove all dead and diseased wood, as well as suckers and water sprouts. Other than this necessary pruning, let the tree grow with its natural shape and avoid any unnecessary pruning.
When is the best time to prune a magnolia tree?
Magnolias are not deciduous so there really isn't a good time or a bad time to prune them.
Reply:You don't - they don't like it at all. Just carefully remove dead or broken branches. Mine - 20ft tall - is in flower and is simple looking magnificent.
Reply:prune late winter when the tree is more dormant
Reply:Prune the dead branches for sure. Leave the lower branches because they protect the roots which can be burned by the sun. First the leaves will start to fall (mine are now) as the food from the tree goes to produce blooms. Wait until winter if you can to prune live wood because the sap is not running as much and the plant will have time to gently adapt. Feed magnolias and water them in the summer. Cut any roots that are crossing over others. They can strangle the tree.

Good luck.

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