Thursday, January 26, 2012

Are magnolia trees good for firewood?

Magnolia is a medium density wood. When dry it is a good firewood. It has no peculiar smell when burning. Two years ago I felled, bucked and split a 60+ year old Magnolia Grandiflora that was threatening to crash onto a friend's house. She uses wood heat and was very satisfied with the wood. Ash and heat content is similar to Douglas Fir.
Are magnolia trees good for firewood?
you can use it but it;s not that good. it is knowen as goffer wood ,you put a piece on the fire and goffer another one.
Reply:Not at all. If you want a good firewood you must look for dried twigs from old trees. Whatever kind of tree so long as it is truly dried. It will make you a good fire.
Reply:good for a campfire..... not keep you warm in the winter woodstove or fireplace firewood.....TWIGS?....again, campfire....

good firewood is from the big limbs of Ash, Maple, Oak, Birch..(any of the Hardwood trees)...then the limbs have to be cut to length and split and seasoned at least 18 months to be dried out enough where it will throw off some decent heat and not just burn and "sizzle" The trunks of these trees go for lumber. and the leftoverbranches are firewood.

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